Ésta es el arte de la portada/contraportada de mi segundo libro, El Mago, publicado en 2003. Se trataba de un sicario que se ve en problemas sobrenaturales cuando su madre muerta empieza a aparecérsele diciendo que él debe trabajar para Dios.
Benjamín Gallardo (sentado), Maria Fernanda Miranda (de pie) y Ronald Villafuerte (fondo) posaron para la portada. Yulén Calderón posó para la contraportada.
Benjamín Gallardo (sentado), Maria Fernanda Miranda (de pie) y Ronald Villafuerte (fondo) posaron para la portada. Yulén Calderón posó para la contraportada.

Garol Pereira, a hit man known as The Magician, has a special talent: he can feel things. He scares the hell out of everyone because his eyes are almost white, like an albino’s. His mother was a white magic witch (though we discover later she is something else), and she died when Garol was little. Now she’s back as a ghost, to help her son to become a member of the Order of the Eternal Cross, a Vatican’s secret society.
Each chapter carries an independent story, and all the chapters carry a parallel story which joins them towards the end.
It is a story which could be classified under Action/Fantasy, because it has ghosts, angels, demons and monsters. Its audience could be people who like Science Fiction/Horror, and also people who like their stories fast and action-packed.
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